Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.” John Muir (1912)
Muir expressed above what many have described as the “healing balm” that nature provides. In recent years, the research has become full of all the wondrous impacts of nature for our health and wellness: physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually. These healing benefits can be utilized with clients by integrating them in clinical practice.
In this one-hour virtual presentation, Jamie Lynn Langley will introduce concepts for including nature as part of the healing process, including briefly identifying the theoretical basis (roots) and exploring supporting research (trunk) for using nature in clinical practice. As time allows, Jamie will also describe some nature-based activities (branches) that can be utilized with clients and for our own self-care.
Learning Objectives:
1) Identify at least three healing benefits of nature-based experiences.
2) Explore concepts of Nature Deficit Disorder, Vitamin N, and Forest Bathing.
3) Describe at least two nature-based activities that can be utilized in clinical practice with clients of all ages.